Comments on: Understanding Israel and Palestine: A Reading List Human(itie)s, in context Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:53:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michelle Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:53:36 +0000 Dear Lewis Waller,

Thank you for the carefully conducted video and the curated list of books and articles.

I am a political science student focusing on European-Middle Eastern relations. In case it is helpful, here are some books and articles that I think give interesting perspectives related to the topic:

– Edward W. Said – The Question of Palestine.

Seminal book that examines the ‘Palestinian Question’ from a post-colonial perspective, discusses the experiences of Palestinian of the occupation and contextualizes Palestians’ demands for the right to return, an independent sovereign state, etc.

– Edward W. Said & Christopher Hitchens (Editors) – Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question.

Gives an interesting perspective on how political narratives and academic scholarship (especially in the US) tend to blame Palestinians for their suffering instead of having a full-picture view.

– Ilan Pappe – The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.

Seminal text from an Israeli author riding on the ‘new history’ wave, deals with the very complex and dificult reality of the history of ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the state of Israel.

– Sara Roy – Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza: Engaging the Islamist Social Sector.

From an American author, based on ethnographic research. Gives an account of Hamas from the perspective of Gazan civil society, which challenges the mainstream (American) political narratives concerning Hamas.

– Subhash Singh – The Second Partition of Palestine: Hamas–Fatah Struggle for Power.

From an Indian author, gives an interesting account of the internal conflict between Hamas and Fatah and its evolution.

– Anders Persson – Introduction: The Occupation at 50: EU-Israel/Palestine Relations Since 1967.

Analysis of EC/EU changing and evolving perspectives towards the conflict in the last 50 years.

– Raffaella A. Del Sarto (Editor) – Fragmented borders, interdependence and external relations: The Israel–Palestine–European Union Triangle.

From a leading author on EU-MENA relations, deals with the complex triangular relationship between the EU, Israel, and Palestine.

– Raffaella A. Del Sarto – Stuck in the Logic of Oslo: Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Explains why the EU is ‘stuck’ in the logic of the Oslo peace process to this day, despite its total collapse.

– Catherine Charrett – The EU, Hamas and the 2006 Palestinian Elections: A Performance in Politics.

Gives an insightful account of the EU’s policy towards Hamas in the wake of the 2006 elections.

– Catherine Charrett – Ritualised securitisation: The European Union’s failed response to Hamas’s success.

Explains why Hamas became viewed as a security threat to the EU, and why that might have been a missed opportunity for engagement with Hamas.

I hope you will find this helpful.

Kind Regards,
